Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Robert Allen Call Review

Robert Allen, 3-Star Diamond Director in USANA, Author, and very famous Financial Expert and Educator gave a “to remember” talk tonight on the Patti Roney Global Calls! Recently chosen as America’s Top Millionaire Maker by the National Speakers Association, Robert Allen gave fabulous insight into building the USANA business! Taking many facts and ideas from his newest book, Cash in the Flash, he shared the importance of 3 major factors of success.

#1 – The Wow Now (the dream/the goal/the visualization of a better life and making a bigger difference)

#2 – The Inner Winner (vs. the Inner Whiner)

#3 – The Dream Team (the team of those who “get it” and work together with you for success).

In his most genuine, loving and deliberate talk, he helped the hundreds who were in the webcast room and on the phone lines discover what it might feel like to have such relief from stress, influence, freedom, joy and peace due to increased health or increased finances…but better yet, due to helping thousands of others find these things. He discussed building a business, not because of your stress, but to relieve someone else’s…building with full-out love for others.

I loved the portion concerning our dreams…and our fears. Bob stated that our “fears are real and affect every sense we have and we can FEEL those fears.” He went on to state that if our dreams are not THAT REAL, they can’t compete with our fears. Therefore, our dreams must be held with more passion!

In discussing the book “Cash in the Flash”, he discussed that the first half of the book is in preparation, but the back half about different forms of income. He went on to mention that USANA is OUR VEHICLE!!! He was just at the Fortune 25 event in Hawaii and said that many there make more than global Presidents of Corporations because they cracked the code on themselves!

We all have a purpose in life and in our USANA business and once we find that purpose, we have found our song, according to Bob. We can get up in the morning with great enthusiasm and excitement!

After spending time with the top 25 income earners in this company, Robert Allen assessed them as “hard-working, ethical, fun-loving, insatiable, and curious.” He reminds us that when you are selling negative thoughts we become like too many others in the world which make everyone run! In USANA, we have so much to offer that we should be singing a positive “song” at all times and living a positive life!
For success, we were encouraged to never use hard-sell, but to always use "heart-sell".  "Inside you have a Got-It Seed.  Find it and turn on your intensity!"

See Robert Allen with USANA Diamonds on January 22 & 23, 2010 in San Diego – “Secrets of Diamonds”. Make reservations through Justine@robertallen.com .

Thank you to Mr. Robert Allen for adding his brilliance to the USANA family and for the call tonight!

Patti Roney

Robert Allen on Global Calls

On Global Calls hosted by Patti Roney
11-10-2009  7:00pm MST

Robert Allen has been teaching ordinary people how to achieve extraordinary success and financial freedom for over 30 years. He is the author of some of the most influential financial books of all time including the New York Times bestsellers Creating Wealth, Nothing Down, Multiple Streams of Income and The One Minute Millionaire which he co-authored with Mark Victor Hansen

Today there are literally thousands of millionaires who attribute their success to Mr. Allen’s systems and strategies. The National Speakers Association has named him America’s Top Millionaire Maker.

He is a popular television and radio guest, appearing on hundreds of radio and television programs including Good Morning America, Regis Philbin and Larry King. He has been the subject in numerous international publications including the Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, Barons, Money Magazine and The Reader Digest to name just a few.

Robert Allen believes is part of his purpose in life to teach people how to achieve financial success—even starting from nothing. As proof he once said:

"Send me to any city. Take away my wallet. Give me $100 for living expenses. And in 72 hours, I'll buy an excellent piece of real estate using none of my own money."

Challenged by Los Angeles Times to live up to his claim, he flew to San Francisco and proceeded to buy 6 properties in 57 hours. The L.A. Times headline proclaimed, "Buying Home Without Cash- Boastful Investor Accepts Times' Challenge and Wins."

Most people assume that “It takes money to make money.” Mr. Allen demonstrated that the source of true wealth is an internal reservoir of passion, courage and persistence.

He and his wife are active associates and 3 Star Diamonds with USANA Health Sciences, a leading nutrition company. In 2009 they were recognized in the Fortune 25—representing the top 25 income earners in the entire company.

On the home front, Robert and his wife, Daryl, just celebrated 32 years of marriage and are the proud parents of three children, Amae, Aaron and Hunter.