Monday, April 12, 2010

Tues. April 13th- 7pm MDT

How to Make Your Life Tax Deductible
Paul Dueck

A natural entrepreneur, Paul Dueck, had two years under his belt with his own traditional computer company when he was recruited to be the vice president of technology for a new company.  Only five months later, his father invited him to a business meeting for another new company—USANA. Paul recalls, “When the presentation was over, I weighed the pros and cons. Within 10 minutes I had signed up as an Associate.”
Paul looked at the best- and worst-case scenarios that he believed the company could offer. “At worst, I would take the products and feel good,” he says. “At best, I could create a strong, residual source of income and receive some tax benefits of having a home-based business. What I saw in USANA was something that I could start with considerably less money and overhead. Where can you start a business for so little and do so well as people do in USANA? There is nothing out there like that.”

What Paul and his wife and business partner, Ellen, appreciate most from owning their USANA business is the benefits that come from having time and financial freedom. “We like having the ability to give time and money to others,” they state. “Nothing will reward you as well as a solid USANA business. There is no other business structure that I am aware of that so effectively allows you to help so many people on their path to success as you travel your own pathway to success.”

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